UW-Stout is planning for the campus of tomorrow. We are investing in our campus facilities so that they support our vision to be a future-focused polytechnic institution. Help us envision the future of the UW-Stout campus.
A long-range plan is a powerful tool that gives UW-Stout the opportunity to re-examine campus improvements every 10 to 20 years and prioritize near and long-term project goals. We assess and recommend improvements to academic life, sustainability, campus life, infrastructure, mobility and open space. The University Long-Range Plan is an extension of the Focus 2030 Plan and guides the orderly growth and development of our campus, providing a short and long-term framework that is clear, flexible, and implementable. The University Long-Range Plan is a living document that is bold, visionary, and adaptable to change without compromising its core values and principles.
Have We Ever Done This Before?
UW-Stout has a history of inclusive planning that is integrated with its strategic, academic, programmatic, space management and enrollment plans. University plans are updated approximately every 10 years to stay current with academic, research and student life needs. The last UW-Stout Campus Master Plan was completed in 2009 and many of the project recommendations have been implemented. UW-Stout is committed to continuing to vision the future of our campus as we embark on the next generation of meaningful campus engagement and inclusive planning.
Why Is This Important To Me?
UW-Stout is distinctive – we are Wisconsin’s Polytechnic University. As part of the Blue Devil community, your voice matters. We want to hear your perspective on the spaces that you feel will make campus even more vibrant, dynamic, connected, usable, and beautiful. Your thoughts, concerns, and feedback throughout the planning process will help guide the LRP and shape the physical campus for years to come. We will look at buildings, roads, parking, walkways, open spaces, and many other physical campus elements during this process. Our aim is to work together to create a campus for the next generation of students, faculty, and staff. Please join us!
Get Involved
The MapMyMavs Survey will be available soon. We look forward to hearing from you!
Your opinion is a critical part of the long-range planning process. There will be Open Forums to share your feedback on proposed concepts reimagining the UW-Stout campus. These concepts will explore creating social and collaborative spaces, improving community connections, and enhancing learning environments to meet current and emerging needs.
On-Campus Open Forum
Come meet with the campus planners to hear the near-final recommendations for campus facilities investment priorities for the next decade.
Wednesday, April 24
2:00 - 3:00pm CT
MSC Ballroom
Online Open Forum
Come meet with the campus planners to hear the near-final recommendations for campus facilities investment priorities for the next decade.
Thank you to those who attended the March 20 on-campus and online open forums, asked good questions, and provided your suggested improvements.
The slides presented at both open forums are in the Documents section. The planning team welcomes additional input – please share your additional questions and suggestions with Justin Utpadel. The planning team intends to return to campus in late April with the final Long-Range Plan. The on-campus and online open forum dates, times, and locations will be posted here.
Thank you to those who attended the April 24 on-campus and online open forums, asked good questions, and provided your suggested improvements.
The slides presented at both open forums are in the Documents section. The planning team welcomes additional input – please share your additional questions and suggestions with Justin Utpadel.
The campus planners met with the university community on-campus and online November 14 and 15. They presented a range of potential directions and ideas for facility improvements and carefully listened to the reactions from the project Steering Team, the Executive Team, during a well-attended on-campus open house, an online open house with alumni from across the country, at four senate presentations (Student, Faculty, Academic Staff, University Staff), and over coffee and hot chocolate with students in the MSC.
Here's the presentation from the on-campus open forum. The campus planners welcome your further input and feedback. In particular, in response to the Alternative Development Scenarios, the campus planners have the following questions:
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Photos from the April 2024 On-Campus Meetings
University Community Survey
What are the best parts of campus? What are your least favorite parts?
Tell us what on campus should be Preserved - those places that you love and are working well. Using the map, tap on as many Preserved places as you want. Tap the green note icon, top right above the map, to open a comment box to tell us why your chosen places should be Preserved. When you’re done, tap the Next button.
Then tell us what should be Transformed - those places that don't match the high expectations of UW-Stout. Like the Preserved places, choose as many as you like and leave an optional comment. When you’re done, click the Next button.
If you need to undo any placed pins, use the undo arrow at the top right.
Think broadly – your Preserved and Transformed places could be buildings, classrooms, open spaces, gateways, parking lots, and even off-campus places.
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If you'd like to share your input on Open Forum content, please submit your message here:
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If you'd like to be notified of future planning meetings, or when this site is expanded with significant new content, please provide your email below:
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Process and Timeline
Each phase builds upon the previous one to generate ideas and deepen the planning team's understanding of the issues and opportunities that will inform the Long-Range Planning effort.
Understanding Our Current Spaces and Facilities
The planning process starts with a process of discovery – UW-Stout’s goals, aspirations, current challenges, and opportunities for the future. The planning team will gain a deep understanding of the existing campus facility conditions, capacity, and the way they are used. Systems affecting the daily life on campus will be assessed including infrastructure and circulation (pedestrian, vehicular and parking). These systems determine the physical framework of the campus and opportunities for sustainable development.
Exploring Campus Challenges and Opportunities
During this phase, the planning team will use the data and analysis completed in the Understand phase to produce a full understanding of the campus’s challenges and opportunities. The planning team will evaluate numerous ways to organize uses on campus, accommodate facility needs, create improved transportation linkages, and activate campus spaces. From this test of ideas, the planning team will share potential options for the future of campus.
Realizing Our Ideal Campus
Through the continued engagement of the university community, the strongest ideas will emerge into a draft Long-Range Plan. The plan will add specificity to the character, location, and amount of new development, renovation, reuse or re-purposed space. During the Realize phase, the planning team will document the LRP in a final report. The Long-Rang Plan will provide an adaptable framework to help guide UW-Stout’s future vision.
Your Partner
SmithGroup is recognized as one of the leading campus planning and design firms in the United States. The SmithGroup team provides UW-Stout with full service, multidisciplinary planning and design, thought leadership, data visualization and research planning.